Wednesday, May 27, 2009

...when I got the music I got a place to go!

So this past Monday, bright and early, I took the subway down to the CBC building and appeared on "Q". It was a ton of fun and you don't have to take my word for it, here is a you tube video of it.

Also, if you like the interview so much that you want to listen to it again and again, this is a link to a podcast version.


Colin said...

Was Jian Ghomeshi high during this interview?

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck had a juggler on his show, I don't see why he can't let you guys preform "Colour Removal".

Anonymous said...

When you go places where they force you to call your band F-ed Up, you should change your name to Fed Up: a loving tribute to Judge.

Anonymous said...

Cutest daddy and baby ever!

- L, obv a totally unbiased source

Anonymous said...

Dude, what's with the original handling of your son? Very early picture or still a bit underexperienced???

Anonymous said...

Why? One hand at the throat is the newest safety-grip. Didn't you know? =)

That's the typical "Darn, am I doing this right? It was much easier with a puppet."-look. =)

Anonymous said...

Pfft D knows how to hold his son, this was a quick picture snap when he was prob a week old or so.


Martin said...

If you got two of them it's a collection!

Anonymous said...

im curious as to what your religous/spiritual views are as you said you gave a morman blood sacrifice to your audience. please share, james.

Anonymous said...

Who's James?

Anonymous said...

Someone who wants to know.. I don't really dig anything morman related.

Anonymous said...

LOL wait, so you actually think Damian is Mormon??

Anonymous said...

yeahhhh, curious!.. USUALLY artists usually! try and convey a message through their performance/art to what they actually think/feel! i was curious as to where his position was on the subject.